Saving For a Sunny Day:
Neighborhood Sun 2023 Impact Report

Our commitment to community solar is grounded in the belief that everyone deserves access to affordable, renewable energy. As a Public Benefit Corporation registered in Maryland, we are as eager as we are proud to share the positive impacts produced through our work in 2023, both for people and the planet.

New Community Solar Policies in 2023

2023 brought some major wins for solar. Solar energy accounted for more than half of new generating capacity in the United States, making it the first time in 80 years that a renewable energy source took the lead. In April, the Maryland state legislature passed House Bill (HB) 908, which accomplished 3 crucial things (1) making the state’s successful seven-year community solar pilot program permanent (2) allowing for unlimited community solar capacity (3) requiring that 40% of a project’s output serves low- to moderate-income (LMI) subscribers. New Jersey and Minnesota also passed bills to bolster their community solar programs and address barriers for LMI subscribers.


At the end of 2023, we conducted our second annual survey to help us measure and understand the growth of our workforce. We had 20 voluntary respondents to the study, representing 70% of our team. 

These were a few key findings:

100% of employees agreed leadership understands that diversity is crucial to our future success and that they feel respected by colleagues. 

  • 60% of our employees identify as women
  • 38% of managers identify as queer or LGBTQIA+
  • 40% of employees are BIPOC
  • 63% of managers are immigrants or first-generation immigrants
Thanks to the collaboration of everyone in our solar community, over 201 Million kWh of solar energy was added to the grid and allocated to subscribers, displacing fossil fuels to prevent the equivalent of 142,524 
metric tons of CO2-e.


“THE BEST. Local company that genuinely cares about the environment. Not to mention it’s a no brainer to save a little cash too! As a manager in the customer service industry for 5+ years, I was so impressed with their customer service and hospitality. Every time I get my bill I feel proud to not only partner with a company that has good morals, but I also feel like I’m doing my part in protecting our planet!”

-Jacob Scharf, Subscriber Since 2022 

By reducing greenhouse gas emissions in a subscriber’s local region, community solar helps to improve local air quality, preserve natural resources, and often create pollinator habitats. Community solar farms also help to increase the resiliency of grids, which is essential in these times of unpredictable extreme weather events due to climate change. 

Both as a team and as individuals, we at Neighborhood Sun advocate for policies that address climate change and environmental justice issues. During Earth Month, members of our team were proud to protest in D.C. alongside Neighborhood Sun’s CEO at the “EPA: Please Stop Smoking” rally. We also partner with nonprofits like Blue Water Baltimore and Chesapeake Climate Action Network, as well as green businesses like Compost Crew, to help uplift other community organizations making a difference.


Neighborhood Sun subscribers saved $2.8 Million on electricity bills in 2023. Neighborhood Sun donated $10,700 to our partner nonprofits and impact-driven businesses and welcomed 5,045 new subscribers as we continue to advocate for policies that address barriers for low- and moderate-income folks.



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