Em[powering] Communities With Solar: Neighborhood Sun's Ongoing Partnership with Johns Hopkins University

As a Maryland-based business, Neighborhood Sun works closely with dozens of local community partners. We give back through donations to partners while establishing strong community ties, helping us to enable access to clean energy and cost savings for nearby residents. Last year, we celebrated the beginning of a strong and impactful partnership with Johns Hopkins University (JHU). As a result, 127 JHU community members subscribed to community solar through Neighborhood Sun in 2023, allowing them to access solar savings without having to install their own panels.  

127+ JHU Community Members Enrolled

Building on this success, we are thrilled to announce our continued collaboration this year. Through another partnership campaign with JHU, we aim to extend the benefits of clean energy to even more households within the university community. By facilitating access to community solar, we empower individuals to have a say in the type of energy they support while also helping them to save on their electricity bills.

Keeping LMI Households Front & Center

Neighborhood Sun is committed to enhancing individual access to solar energy while driving community-wide impact. In collaboration with the Climate Access Fund and Elmer A. Henderson: a John Hopkins Partnership School, we launched a groundbreaking community solar project. This rooftop solar farm is designed to meet 100% of Henderson-Hopkins School’s energy needs through solar power, in addition to serving as a job training site and reserving 100% of its shares for local low- and moderate-income (LMI) households affiliated with the school and its nearby community.

What makes this project truly transformative is its dual focus on sustainability and equity. It’s part of a growing movement to turn unused rooftops in urban spaces into community solar farms so they can serve as environmental assets to the local residents and help green the grid. By covering the school’s energy consumption with clean energy sources, we help decarbonize the grid while empowering the school to be more self-sufficient and also channeling savings towards low-income community members. Residents involved with the school or residing in its vicinity benefit from being able to reduce energy costs, choose renewables over fossil fuels and foster a more resilient community.

Strengthening Community Ties

As we forge ahead with these initiatives, Neighborhood Sun remains dedicated to creating meaningful change through collaboration and innovation. Our partnership with Johns Hopkins University exemplifies our shared commitment to sustainability, equity, and community empowerment. Together with JHU and our esteemed partners, we are paving the way towards a healthier, more inclusive future where clean, affordable energy is accessible to all–not just the select few.


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