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Neighborhood Sun Recognized as Best In the World for the Environment

July 14, 2021

Gary Skulnik, 202-413-8534, Gary@Neighborhoodsun.solar



Community Solar Firm has Highest Environmental Score of any Solar Company in the U.S.

(Silver Spring, MD)  B Lab – the  non-profit that evaluates B corporations announced today that Neighborhood Sun made the exclusive “Best in the World – Environment” list for 2021. That means that the community solar company scored in the top 5% worldwide for environmental impact compared to all B corporations of a similar size.

CEO Gary Skulnik stated “Our mission has always been to help communities in need, provide clean energy jobs for people, and to do what can be done to save our corner of the planet. To be recognized by B Lab as one of the best in the world for the environment is a testament to our whole team, our stakeholders, and community….but we’re not done.  There are wildfires and extreme heat out west destroying homes and lives, and other climate calamities afflicting the world. We want to dramatically increase our impact and bring community solar to the whole nation.”

Neighborhood Sun has been recognized in previous years for ethical governance and commitment to community.  From its founding Neighborhood Sun has been certified as a B Corp – a company that holds itself to standards of integrity, trust, transparency, governance, and most importantly – a mission that benefits the planet for generations to come.

The company’s high B Corp score of 130.5 reflects significant growth in the company’s environmental impact thanks to the many community solar projects it has brought to market and its community impact, thanks to its deep involvement and financial support for NGO’s such as communities of faith and environmental organizations.

“The more community solar we bring to underserved communities and others, the cleaner our air, the less greenhouse gases, and the less energy iniquity in society,” noted Skulnik.

Neighborhood Sun has saved Maryland households more that $250,000 in energy bills in the past 2 years, has now expanded its influence into New Jersey and into Western Maryland, more than doubling its environmental and community impact, and has offset more than 18,000 tons (36 million pounds) of carbon. 


About Neighborhood Sun

Neighborhood Sun is a Certified B Corp whose mission is to build stronger communities and empower neighborhoods to choose clean, renewable energy that costs less than their current, dirty electricity.  They provide shared solar to residents who can’t have, or don’t want solar panels on their homes.  Apartment residents, condo-dwellers, small businesses and homeowners alike can all get a share of the electricity that is generated from panels that are installed off-site. The company is active in Maryland and New Jersey, with more than 4,500 customers for numerous community solar projects. For more information, go to NeighborhoodSun.Solar.