Community Solar: A Brighter Future for Our State


Each of us is making Maryland shine brighter in our own way, taking effort both large and small. While there isn’t one single secret ingredient to a better future, there is one choice that can unify us in working for a cleaner Maryland, free of air pollution and in support of our local economy. That action is joining a local community solar project.

Community solar is a new program in Maryland that allows everyone to access the benefits of solar power. It does this by creating rules that enable electricity ratepayers to subscribe to the output of large solar projects in their area. Each month, as these projects produce clean, renewable energy, companies like Neighborhood Sun report the production to the utility, which puts credits directly on the subscriber’s bill. Subscribers get the benefit of saving money and knowing they are helping to bring more solar to our state without having to invest in a solar system on their roof, or to even own a roof.

The benefits of community solar go beyond the local clean energy these solar projects produce. Community solar has the ability to bring us all closer together for a common purpose. Tackling climate change, air pollution, and energy inequality require everyone to be part of the movement. With projects that are specifically geared towards low and moderate income Marylanders, community solar welcomes more people into the sustainability tent. With a diverse, broad base of support, we can move beyond community solar and make real progress on environmental justice and a cleaner planet.

We are starting the movement by focusing on building community solar projects here in Maryland, and we encourage everyone to join in. Our next step will be to expand our reach to have a greater impact on cultivating strong communities, fighting for environmental justice, and making Maryland shine together.

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