White label SunEngine to give your subscribers a fully branded and customizable user experience.

White label SunEngine to give your subscribers a fully branded and customizable user experience.
By embracing cutting-edge technology, SunEngine ensures that your community solar experience is not only efficient but also tailored to your needs. Our latest blog explores how our innovative use of automations and lists sets us apart from other providers. Read on to discover more about our commitment to operational excellence and customer satisfaction.
Our ongoing partnership with JHU makes solar savings accessible to the university’s community members.
Neighborhood Sun was founded in Maryland and our local community has been there to support us every step of the way.
Neighborhood Sun launched a Google AI integration with the SunEngine platform to streamline the enrollment process and improve its user experience.
Neighborhood Sun helps client identify and reconcile over $100K discrepancy with utility provider.
Neighborhood Sun recertifies as a B Corp for the third time, celebrating a new score of 105.8 on the B Impact Assessment.
Local Organizations Make Solar Savings Accessible to Low- and Moderate-Income Folks in the Henderson-Hopkins Community
Neighborhood Sun announced the beginning of construction for its latest community solar farm, Free Rein Solar Farm in Montgomery County, Maryland.
Neighborhood Sun CEO and Founder, Gary Skulnik, wrote a letter in support of Maryland SB0001 to increase consumer protections in the energy industry,