
Notes about Dogwood Billing

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email We are very excited to announce that the Dogwood Community Solar Project is finished construction!  The final steps for the project to be connected to the grid and start producing 100% clean solar electricity on your behalf are now completely in BGE’s hands […]


Striking in the Youth Climate Strike

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email As a college sophomore who joined youth activists in striking this Friday, I found myself in a unique position. I’m not young enough to be in the category of high school strikers, who bravely gave up a day of education and threat of […]


Neighborhood Sun recognized as a “Best For The World” B Corp

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email Neighborhood Sun, a Certified B Corporation, has been named a Best For The World honoree in recognition of their significant positive impact in their innovative governance structures to protect the mission of their business. Ranking in the top 10% of all B Corps for their […]


We Need to do Better

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email The solar industry needs to challenge itself to follow the clarion call of the Sunrise Movement, pushing direct action to raise climate change to the top of our national discourse. This means we need to stand firmly on the right side of the […]


Adat Shalom Takes Action

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email “Last year at the Howard County Earth Day Festival I met Kristal Hansley who told me all about Community Solar.  This was the first I’d heard about it. It sounded too good to be true.  A way to help support bringing solar energy […]

Blog News

The FIRST Community Solar Project in MD to Benefit Low and Moderate Income Households

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email For Immediate Release June 13, 2019 Project Fulfills Company’s Mission to Help AllMarylanders get Solar, not Just the Select Few (Silver Spring, MD) Neighborhood Sun, a Maryland B Corporation, announced its partnership with Suntrail Energy of Linthicum to bring a 550 kilowatt clean, […]


Why We’re Creating a Customer Advocacy Board

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email You’ve been asked to support green products and companies for years now. The pitch is often some version of “buy this product because it’s better for the Earth” or “you need to vote with your wallet.” I support this 100%, but it’s not […]

Blog News

No Regrets

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email No Regrets The more you know, the more urgent climate change looms over our lives. For John All, research professor of environmental science, it’s a matter important enough to risk his life – literally. With adventure writer and co-author John Balzar, a Maryland […]


The power of a Sustainable Brand in the Community Solar Space

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email Community solar is the hottest vertical in the solar space and every company with any connection to delivering power from the sun is racing to be out front. But solar developers blinded by this gold rush mentality could find themselves in a precarious […]


5 Interesting Facts About Earth Day

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email Rachel Carson, who is often credited with the birth of the modern environmental movement with her publication of “Silent Spring” in 1962, spent much of her adult life in Maryland. She was a graduate biology/zoology student at Johns Hopkins University (a rare achievement […]

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